The Power of Prayer

We underestimate the power we hold. The power in what we say. But most of all, who we say it to.

For as long as I can remember prayer has been a key part of my life. I remember reading books and watching movies where people wrote letters to God and this baffled me because how would God ever get them? I was always taught to speak to God; whether through making an actual prayer that ended with an "Amen" or even silent and calm one on one talks with him (I didn't do this as a child though, it didn't make sense to me). My family has a set prayer time every evening and every morning. Yet throughout all this time and all these years I rarely got to utilize the power of speech.

Everyone can pray. Anyone who has the ability to utter a word from their mouth can pray. In the chaos going on around the world the only answer to our cries of help and desperation is prayer. My Reverend said to us at bible study recently that at this point all we must do is recite Psalm 91 and declare the blood of Jesus upon our lives. People are sick and dying, some are losing their jobs and suffering, others are starving and silent. All this needs prayer. All of it.

Isaiah 66 vs 13 ~ As a mother comforts her son, so will I comfort you, and you will be comforted in Jerusalem

The words we utter from our mouths are effective. Yet the most effective way to use them is to utter these words to God, if not cry out these words to God. It's great to tell your friends, your Twitter followers and your YouTube subscribers about what's happening with the virus and everything else. It's great to tell them how you're stuck in quarantine and don't know when you'll get out. However, they can not change any of that. I do believe that a problem shared is a problem solved yet from past experience telling people your problems won't fix them and half the time people just can't relate. No one will know what your heart is going through. No one will understand all your stressful sleepless nights.

No one except God.

There are times whereby I'm stressed or tired or confused and I just have no clue what to do or say. Truth be told when the COVID-19 started its world tour I panicked quite a bit. What would happen to my parents? What if I get it and pass it on? What if I have a hidden underlying health disease?
In the end all these and more I cried out to God. Sometimes things have gotten so tough that instead of saying actual words to God I just cried before him and actually told him that no one will help me and only he will. I struggled to find prayer points because things looked pretty bad.

Romans 8 vs 26 ~ In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

Philippians 4 vs 6 ~ Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Heres the flip side though. Everyone can pray, yes, but will God listen? You see, to put it to you in  an understandable way, God hates sin but loves the sinner. So he loves you but could hate what you are doing. He loves to hear that we are sorry. He loves to know that we are doing what makes him happy. And so repentance prayers are really important. I'll delve deeper into the topic of repentance in another post but for now just know that its pretty essential when it comes to praying to God. Doing what God wants us to do is not always easy, for the word of God is like a double edged sword and it cuts through us when we least expect it to. It hits us where we are most guarded and I feel that's why lots of people push it away.

James 5 vs 16 ~ Therefore confess your sins to one each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

God may answer the prayers of unrighteous people every now and then but that does not mean he is unhappy with what they are doing. When it comes to the mega miracles and the efficient hand of God the righteous are the ones that share in all the blessings. Like I said before God loves it when we do what makes him happy and so for those who are actively doing what makes him happy he rewards them with benefits such as a long life, health, wealth, peace and most of all protection. When I say protection I mostly make reference to sicknesses, diseases, warfare and attacks from our enemies. Please note that the prayers are much more effective when you mix them up with the word of God, it adds an extra spiritual punch to it. For the unrighteous person who prays or who is sick and is prayed over I'd suggest you be grateful for the blessing of life God has placed in your lap.

James 5 vs 15 ~ And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the LORD will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.

Prayer is not easy.
Prayer takes work.
Prayer is ALWAYS beneficial and is never a waste of time.

There are times where I can get up at 3am and pray and for the next few hours I'll be very very tired. Prayer is a full on spiritual and physical workout. Remember that if it comes from your heart and it is going to God, you will feel the effect and the effort you have put in. Don't pay attention to people that prayer-shame and disregard prayer and question it's efficiency. Because in all honesty if you don't pray and all you do is talk about your problems will that ever fix them?

As people stay at home and limit travel, use this time to reflect and spend MORE time with God. Read your bible, listen to gospel music, talk about God and what he is doing for you. Speak truth and life into your situation,  not death and gloom. Be different from everyone else who is either negative or full of fear.

Romans 12 vs 2 ~ Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Lastly, please, as you pray make sure you pray for the leaders of your nation for whether you like them or not it is up to them as to whether your country will move past this epidemic with ease or will leave behind a trail of dead bodies. Pray that God grant them wisdom in all that they do. I live in a country that's rampant with corruption (which country isn't right?) but still all I can do is pray for God to shield and protect my country. Your prayers are not in vain.

1 Timothy 2 vs 1-2 ~ I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people-
For kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

So until next time, stay safe and look to God for help and guidance for only he can bring us through all of this untouched. Signed, Awkward Girl

A Prayer for Our

Dear God,

All authority is Yours, but you have given authority to leaders to protect and guide us. Today, we ask that You would give all our leaders wisdom, discernment, strength, and resolve. Keep them healthy, safe, and rested so that they can continue to guide us through this troubling time.

Give our government leaders wisdom about what needs to be done to stop the virus and stabilize our economy.

Give our spiritual leaders Your discernment on how to meet people’s needs as they continue to glorify Your name and encourage the Church.

Give our medical leaders insight into how to stop the virus. Strengthen their resolve and honor their hard work in creating a treatment for COVID-19.

Give our civic leaders inspiration, courage, joy, and strength to meet the needs of their communities.

And help us, as leaders in our communities, to display courage, hope, generosity, and kindness. Would the way we honor others inspire those around us.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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