Growth overload
So life after any type of school can be a little unhinging whether it be university, high school or even grade school. That's probably because we're understanding what we've learnt or what we think we've learnt. Personally I sometimes sit back and wish I could go back to the days my classmates made everything a joke and the days where we would act like we were interested in a teacher's personal life just so the lesson would pass by faster😂
There are just times where I wish I could go back and do a few things differently yknow? Like maybe I'd laugh a little more and maybe I'd take a few more risks, or maybe I wouldn't 🤔 There are too many possibilities as to what I could have done but one thing I know for sure is that after a certain level of education it is a must to grow out of who you were at that point and in that learning process. For example, say I leave high school or university and I can't afford to go get my Masters or can't afford to go get my degree and suddenly that's when life simply slaps you in the face.
You realize that your parents sheltered you a hell of a lot more than you thought. You realize that people in the real world handle real problems differently. People in the real world take things so seriously it scares you at times. It scared me to be honest. Am I the only one who gets so frustrated at times I want to cry😭😁 but have to hold it in cause you don't want anyone's pity? Although there are times when I get angry or frustrated and just want to hit something 😂 but that's for another time and possibly another post.
I just feel that sometimes growth is overrated. Taking myself for instance. I'm somehow supposedly quite childish and when I asked a few of my elders they said it's cause I laugh about things???? Like what??? Since when did laughing about my problems make me immature?? I can't tell if they expected me to be sour and cry and be angry about the workload I have to handle. Or maybe they wanted me to be bossy about whatever work had to be done 🤔 whatever the case may be I just disagreed because my personality and who I am as a person hinders me from being a sour grape. I mean I'm already losing my youth and the planet is burning and there are teenagers fighting for climate change instead of grown ups soooo I say why not laugh? I mean honestly what else can be done? It's 2019 for crying out loud 😂
However I do understand that there are situations whereby a person is ultimately forced to grow up because of some sort of life altering situation such as the loss of one's parents or the danger they face in their day to day life i.e. war. In cases like that it's sad to say but kids have their entire childhood ripped away from them and they're forced to act 20 probably at the age of 13. It's a saddening reality but it's reality all the same. In cases like these I can really only hope that people are keeping such children in their prayers. I've seen and heard of children that had to grow up because their mom or dad either died or left their family by choice and I've seen and heard of how this changed them as people. Some for the better and some for the worse.
To all those that are still in some form of school or learning process my advise to you or take it as a suggestion is : Don't make people force you to grow up in their way. Don't make them turn you into some sour person who spits fire at the world for being the way it is. Be happy regardless of your situation because I promise you there are people in way worse situations than you.😊 Remember that everyone grows at their own pace. As one of my friends says "Just do you"😂, such a plain and simple statement which only you can actively pursue as an individual. Growing up is a must but never let anyone tell you how to do it. I'm not saying don't get advice on how to pay taxes (totally something that should be taught in school btw) or how to dress to a work party or how to write a 6000 page essay for school. All I'm saying is, don't lose yourself and your spectacularly natural essence in the process.
So until next time, signing out and until next time (whenever that is), ❣Awkward girl🤗
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