
Showing posts from October, 2019

All in Time

Something happened. To most of us. It changed us. It probably broke us. It left us in ruins. For some people we were the villains. For some we were the victims. No these are not lyrics but facts cause we've all sort of gone through something that left us choked and shattered. Broken and battered. Beaten and feeling like we didn't matter. (Someone turn this into a song😯😄😄😄) At some point in our lives we let ourselves love someone or some people unconditionally only for them to sorta...I don't know...not do the exact same. I heard somewhere that we are the heroes in our own stories, but I guess some never realise that they are the villains in other people's stories. I don't want to waste anyone's time in this post. I wanna be practical. Real. Authentic. Me. A lot of people have been there. That place. Where everything feels at a standstill because of some major event. Someone, it could've been your mom...

Is it all in my head?

WARNING : THE FOLLOWING CONTENT MAY BE HARMFUL TO THOSE THAT ARE SUFFERING FROM ANY MENTAL DISEASE orrrrrrr IT WILL HELP ANYONE THAT FEELS LIKE THEY ARE SUFFERING FROM A MENTAL DISEASE We probably all have times whereby we think we're a little crazy. I know I've felt it. It's not great. If anything it makes us feel worse than we probably already do. Sometimes you feel like you're not even in your own body maybe? Like everything that's happening to you just doesn't feel noticeable at times. Like you're stuck in your own head a lot? Yea well it happens? Right? It's a phase. Right? I mean thats what everyone says when someone says they feel depressed or don't feel like themselves or feel sad for no reason. So it's all going to be okay right? Wrong . I read somewhere that your level of education is seen in your behaviour and yet we see some super educated people become ignorant of mental illnesses. Today is World Mental Health Day and this day was...

Self forgiveness - the hidden antidote

We're all imperfect. We seek to make something of ourselves and most of the time don't hit the mark we wanna meet. On occasion when someone asks me if perfection is obtainable I answer "Yes, but only through Christ" to which they usually respond by saying "But no one can be exactly like Jesus",  it usually leads to a long winded conversation about perfection. The reality? On our own perfection isn't attainable. We strive for our goals and when we don't meet the mark sometimes we take it out on ourselves. We make it seem like its the end of the world and somehow a part of us is stuck on that failure or that mistake. Have you ever felt so stuck, just so glued to a spot mentally, physically or even emotionally? One word. Forgive . Some of us are stuck because we feel we are the ones at fault or we are the reason we are in the horrible situation we are in. There are a lot of reasons and situations that may make us feel this way. I don't really wan...

Growth overload

So life after any type of school can be a little unhinging whether it be university, high school or even grade school. That's probably because we're understanding what we've learnt or what we think we've learnt. Personally I sometimes sit back and wish I could go back to the days my classmates made everything a joke and the days where we would act like we were interested in a teacher's personal life just so the lesson would pass by faster😂 There are just times where I wish I could go back and do a few things differently yknow? Like maybe I'd laugh a little more and maybe I'd take a few more risks, or maybe I wouldn't 🤔 There are too many possibilities as to what I could have done but one thing I know for sure is that after a certain level of education it is a must to grow out of who you were at that point and in that learning process. For example, say I leave high school or university and I can't afford to go get my Masters ...

Who you are vs Who you think you are

Sometimes we think we know who we are. Frankly I don't πŸ˜‚ but I've come to understand that that's okay. I was born into a family where my mom was from a different country than my dad. Pretty complicated when you're African really. Mainly because legally I identify with my mom's nationality because we live in the country my mom is from, however traditionally I identify with the nationality my dad is from. Complicated right? No? Well here's where it gets tricky. I follow through with both cultures which are naturally African but I apparently act and sound  Western. Now obviously this should be a clear cut situation right? Like it should not even matter to me right?  Wrong. When I was 17 I studied a book about identity and I gotta tell you I have never felt so unidentified in my life πŸ˜‚. In class we studied The Namesake by Juhumpa Lahiri and I found myself identifying with the main character because I am a second generation immigrant but I act more like people o...