
Showing posts from June, 2020

Losing & Choosing Friends

The reality of relationships is that they change. They're bound to. We can never stop that. Some change for the better while some change for the bitter end. What matters is what we do about it. Do we let them go or do we keep looking forward and move on?  The bible gives great examples of exemplary friendships such as that of David and Jonathan, Aaron and Moses, Daniel and three of his closest friends and most of all the friendship Christ himself maintains with us as mankind. Here's a quick guide to it all, because as much as some people deny it your friends play a pretty big part in who you are or who you become.  Why do we lose friends?  Here's a short list of reasons why we may lose friends in the course of our lives, I myself have come across at least 3 of these reasons. 1. Lack of effort ~ Sometimes in a friendship both parties just stop putting in the effort to make the friendship work. They stop texting. They stop calling. They even stop sharing funny memes (terrib...

The Power of Prayer

We underestimate the power we hold. The power in what we say. But most of all, who we say it to . For as long as I can remember prayer has been a key part of my life. I remember reading books and watching movies where people wrote letters to God and this baffled me because how would God ever get them? I was always taught to speak to God; whether through making an actual prayer that ended with an "Amen" or even silent and calm one on one talks with him (I didn't do this as a child though, it didn't make sense to me). My family has a set prayer time every evening and every morning. Yet throughout all this time and all these years I rarely got to utilize the power of speech. Everyone can pray. Anyone who has the ability to utter a word from their mouth can pray. In the chaos going on around the world the only answer to our cries of help and desperation is prayer. My Reverend said to us at bible study recently that at this point all we must do is recite Psalm 91 and dec...